Granite State Fit Kids

Body Workshops

Body Workshops in the classroom use a variety of educational strategies, including lecture, group discussions and interactive student activities, such as games and projects. Lessons run between 45-60 minutes each and complement the existing health education curriculum in the schools.

Each week children are also asked to keep a “physical activity” journal of:

  • What they do for fun
  • Who they do it with
  • How long they do it for



As you look through each week on the right side of this page, you will find a small clip of video that you can watch about the weeks content.  These videos were provided by a great group of kids listed below:

Nicole Kabel, Becky Kabel, Sean Flannery, Adam Ouellette, Megan Duffy
Sara Klum, Kelsey Caron, Jeffery Kabel, Amanda Kabel

Please watch the below video that tells you a bit more about who was involved in making these videos for you.

As you look through each week on the right side of this page, you will find a small clip of video that you can watch about the weeks content.  These videos were provided by a great group of kids listed below: